Osaka Exhibition・Event Venue, Conference Room | ATC Hall



ATC Hall

O's Building South Building B2F

Where your event will succeed

It can be used to meet various needs such as exhibitions, conferences, parties, exams, and other events.

ATC Hall can hold medium to large-scale events and seminars.
We have 5 venues.

Facility outline of the exhibition hall


A Hall B Hall C Hall D Hall E Hall
Exhibition area 2,900m2 When divided (Large)1,600m2 (Small)1,300m2 1,130m2 1,000m2 270m2 250m2
User style example: School/ Theater A 2500 persons/3600 persons AL 800 persons/1600 persons AS 700 persons/1400 persons
400 persons/900 persons 160 persons/250 persons 170 persons/340 persons
Booth (3m×3m) A 144 booths AL 80 booths AS 64 booths 49 booths 41 booths ── ──
Ceiling height 8m 8m 7.3m 3m 2.8m
Floor load 2t/m2 2t/m2 2t/m2 0.5t/m2 0.5t/m2
Floor specification Carpet Tile Carpet Tile Flooring Carpet Tile P Tile
Floor illuminance 750〜1,760lx 450〜1,390lx 1,140〜2,710lx 850lx 980lx
Power supply for event Single-phase 3-wire 100V 224kVA Three-phase 3-wire 200V 360kVA Single-phase 3-wire 100V 112kVA Three-phase 3-wire 200V 181kVA Single-phase 3-wire 100V 160kVA Three-phase 3-wire 200V 278kVA Single-phase 3-wire 100V 130kVA Three-phase 3-wire 200V 160kVA ──
Utility box Electricity: 50 locations, Water supply and drainage: 20 locations, Water supply, drainage and gas 2 locations Electricity: 12 locations, Water supply, and drainage: 10 locations, Water supply, drainage and gas 2 locations Electricity: 22 locations, Water supply, and drainage: 12 locations, Water supply, drainage, and gas: 1 locations ── ──
Other equipment

●Baton equipment
   47 for lighting, 4 for art 2 for art