ATC Hall Sustainability
Environmental Initiatives
Advanced Initiatives
Theo Jansen Exhibition
ranked 1st in SDGs for MICE Evaluation
What is the SDGs for MICE evaluation system?
About Theo Jansen Exhibition
Introduced the first “Green Power Certificate” system at the ATC summer large-scale exhibition
Green power is "renewable energy" that uses nature such as sunlight and wind power, and at Theo Jansen's exhibition, "PV-Green", which proves green power generated from home solar power generation, will be exhibited on a large scale. In consideration of local production for local consumption, we limited the power to that produced only in Osaka Prefecture.
Osaka Metro Tie-up Benefit Adopted paper fans for products using recycled plastic.
Sell products that are close to their expiration date at half price, and sell all products.
この評価制度は、いろいろと手探りの状態から始まったと思われますが、テオ・ヤンセン展においては、118の審査チェック項目の内61項目について申請されており、 その取り組みの熱意に敬意を表します。
また、その審査に当たっては、計画書や報告書を丹念に読みこんでいることや現場での直接確認など記載がわかりやすく、 公正な審査結果であることが客観的に理解できます。 申請項目以外にも注目して、当然あるべきと判断された評価項目を審査されていることは、審査員のこの制度に対する真摯な対応と感じられます。 さらに、テオ・ヤンセン展における69頁におよぶその実施報告書は、相当、中身が濃く、質の高いものに仕上がっています。 これはテオ・ヤンセン展主催者の「SDGs」 への意識の高さと「SDGs for MICE評価制度」への期待が相俟ったものと思われます。
今回、初の取り組みとして「SDGs for MICE評価制度」を導入しました。
前川 真毅
Utilize seawater as heat source water and frozen water
Seawater pumped from the basement of the ATC Hall is processed at the Nanko Heat Supply Center.
Used as heat source water and cooling water for nearby hotels, office buildings, and ATC buildings.
Installing EV chargers for electric car
Parking Lot 1 has many EV chargers for electric cars, contributing to the spread of clean energy cars.
CO2 Reduction
Promoting Waste Separation at ATC Hall
Promoting waste separation at food & beverages and fashion exhibitions. With the cooperation of the organizers, we have realized industrial waste reduction by separating and recycling cardboard, bottles, cans, etc.
Introduction of Waste Separation Stations and Scales
A separation station was installed to make it easier for hall organizers to separate waste. By introducing a scale, it becomes possible to measure the weight, making it easier to inform the organizers.